Tuesday 8 December 2015

Reflection & Evaluation

Evaluation & Reflection

During our project I feel I have developed my skills, with experimenting more with different techniques and products. I enjoyed carrying out my partners design, it was something I had ever done before and I accomplished the challenge.

I had previously never worked on a male and seeing how the design came together made me happy and confident; this was because of the practice and communication between myself and my partner. I believe this all reflected in the final images.

The thing I struggled with was getting an all over even blend of product as there were a couple slightly faint patches where I could of used more product; I felt my strength was the lips and the heavy contour on the jaw line, defining these two went well and also covering the facial hair with orange product evenly.

If I did this design again I would have been more precise with the base with coverage and the detailed work on the eyebrow work, although this was the first I heard of the detailing.

To do this again I would have used a smaller brush to give clear definition, I would of been able to plan ahead if I didn't receive the changes at the last minute from my partner, however, this was overcame but I was a little disappointed with the precision of these at the end of the eyebrows. 

Overall, I enjoyed the challenge and the project because of learning of the new skills and the history behind it; I also was happy with both assessments and felt we were both given clear instructions and made me satisfied that my partner was happy with his final design I create; and lastly the overall looks, looked great.

The final images of the assessment
My Partners final design created by myself

Make-up Artist: Natalie Hodgkins
Model: Toby Oldfield

Side view

Make-up Artist: Natalie Allana Hodgkins
Model: Toby Oldfield

Side View

Make-up Artist: Natalie Allana Hodgkins
Model: Toby Oldfield

My Final Design designed by myself and created by my partner

Make-up Artist: Toby Oldfield
Model: Natalie Allana Hodgkins

Front close up shot

Make-up Artist: Toby Oldfield
Model: Natalie Allana Hodgkins

Angled shot of my design

Make-up Artist: Toby Oldfield
Model: Natalie Allana Hodgkins

Side angle of my final design

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