Tuesday 8 December 2015

Skin & Hair Conditions

                                        Skin & Hair Conditions 

Skin Conditions- Non Contagious

This is a skin condition that causes spotting 'pimples'. This includes white-heads, blackheads and red inflamed patches of skin. The cause of acne is when the pores of your skin on the surface become clogged. The spotting occurs when the glands produce too much oil and then the pores become blocked, this is when dirt and bacteria build up within the pores causes spotting, leading to acne (severe spotting). This skin condition can be treated by facial washes, prescriptive creams and medication, however, depending on how bad the acne is, a make-up application would only be 
restricted if mild acne and a heavy based foundation would be avoided to prevent from worsening them problem.

Is a skin condition that appears on the skin that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales. This condition is not infectious and most people are only infected with small amounts over their body. Psoriasis is a long lasting disease that can occur at any point, they say stress or changes in the weather conditions can cause inflammation of psoriasis. There is no cure for this skin condition and is a genetic condition and cannot be caught from one person to another. 

Acne Rosacea- 
is a skin condition which commonly occurs in more mature people. Rosacea is a common disorder that mainly affects skin on the face, where it causes redness on the nose, chin, cheeks and forehead. Over time, the redness can become more intense, taking on a ruddy appearance and the blood vessels may become visible. The signs and symptoms are: frequent flushing where it comes and goes and this is one of the earliest signs of this condition. Bumps and pimples appear on the skin, where small red solid bumps or pus-filled pimples often develop in rosacea (where they are often resembled like acne). Visible blood vessels become visible on the skin  of many people who suffer with rosacea. The other potential symptoms include: eye irritation, burning, stinging, dry appearance, skin thickening and swelling. Depending on how bad your clients skin condition is, a make-up treatment would be restricted and adapted to suit their needs depending on how severe their condition is.

Skin Tags-
Are soft like, hanging pieces of skin that hang from the eyelids, they're harmless. People who are more prone to skin tags are people who have caught them heredity or have gain excessive weight. They are painless and some can be rubbed off, they can be frozen off by doctors, but if there not painful or irritating they should be left alone. They are often found on the eyelids, under-arms, under breasts and is common amongst adults. They can not be caught and a make-up treatment, would be restricted e.g. less eye-make-up to avoid irritation. They are non contagious, just very uncomfortable.

Skin conditions- Contagious

It is a highly contagious bacterial skin infection and is very common. It often appears around the mouth area and appears as blisters, which are usually red, itchy but not sore, it can be treated with prescriptive creams and medication. Caused by the spread of bacteria and is caught from person to another. Therefore you would prevent from carrying out a make-up treatment if your client had impetigo, due to the fact this is a highly contagious skin infection and would be caught from one person to another, so your client would have to wait until the infection had gone before having the treatment.

Cold Sores-
This is an infection of the lip by herpes simplex virus, an outbreak typically causes small blisters or sores on or around the mouth and commonly known as cold sores. The sores typically heal within 2-3 weeks and is highly contagious, caused by e.g. drinking from the same bottle as an infected person. They will come and go throughout life and if your client has one, you would not treat them due to it being infectious and they would have to wait till it has healed before having a make-up treatment.

This is a highly contagious bacterial or viral condition of the eye or eyes, it is easily spread by contact with the person who has the condition. It is a common infection of the eye area, it is also referred to as 'pink eye', the appearance causes the eyes to look red, watery, swollen. It causes the eye/ eyes to become sensitive to light, uncomfortable the feeling of grit in the eyes, it can be very painful and you get discharge from your eye/ eyes in the result of a viral conjunctivitis. 
It can be caused from getting bacteria in the eyes by rubbing your eyes, it could be from getting substance in your eyes e.g. dirt, make-up or viral from your immune system being low and catching viral infections such as conjunctivitis.
Eye drops and antibiotics will help to clear the condition in roughly one week. 

Hair Conditions: contagious 

Ringworm tinea-
Ringworm is a very common skin infection that causes a ring-like red rash on the skin, the rash can appear almost anywhere on the body, including the scalp, feet, groin being the common areas to find the infectious skin condition. It usually isn't a serious condition and is easily treated with medicated creams, however, ring worm is highly contagious and is easily spread from one person to another. It is a infectious skin condition caused by a fungus, therefore you could not treat a person with this condition. 
Image below of Ringworm tinea

Head Lice-
A highly contagious condition caused by lice in the hair, it is most common in children and not caused by dirty hair, people with clean hair can catch them, they are easily spread between people. It causes the head to become irritant and itchy, the lice become embedded within the hair, lay eggs and produce more lice which becomes constantly itchy. Therefore If they are spotted or your model has them you should not treat your client until they have been treated, with hair treatment to kill the lice. 

Hair conditions: Non contagious 

Is a non contagious hair condition that can occur in both adults and children and men and women both as equally. Hair loss occurs at first of clumps of hair falling out, leaving the scalp completely smooth in texture, this is occured by the immune system mistakenly attacking the root of the hair follicle where each hair begins growing. It effects both the hair on the head, facial and body hair. In rare cases the entire head can become bald with the loss of all the hair; but commonly it falls off in patches causing the head to appear patchy with bald spots. This condition is either family history related, prone to allergies resulting in this condition or just having extensive hair loss. 
  • It is diagnosed with blood tests and skin analysis.
  • Is not curable and only 10% will have this condition permanently

It is a common condition, red, scaly and raised in appearance, it usually occurs in patches and can cover the whole of the scalp when bad. It causes itchiness and results in the scalp/ neck becoming sore. It is a noncontagious condition and can be treated with special prescription shampoos and creams to control the condition. It comes and goes and usually is esspecially bad during the winter seasons. It is linked to family history of the condition.
Here is an image below of the condition: 

A common hair condition, that appears white and flaky, it falls from the scalp into the hair making the hair appear 'snowy' a lot of people become embarrassed about having this condition, although very common and easy to get. It can become dry and itchy in the scalp, it occurs due to the body continuously shedding dead skin cells as new ones are forming. This can be caused by using to many products in the hair, washing the hair too much or too little or even emotional stress can cause this. There are shampoos to treat this non contagious condition to reduce flakiness.

This is an inflammation of the hair follicles, Red like pimple which is full of either pus or blood; it can occur in the hair or the facial hair on either head, face or body. Caused by the spread of bacteria, it can also be caused by yeast or type of fungus too. It is where the follicles are blocked by:
  • Oil, products, dirt or make-up causes this to occur
  • Likely to occur if you wear tight clothes
  • Cut on your head/ face/ body becomes infected by the spread of bacteria 

http://www.healthline.com/health/itching#4- Impetigo
https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000873.htm- Acne
https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000434.htm- Psoriasis
http://patient.info/health/rosacea-leaflet- Acne rosacea
http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Ringworm/Pages/Introduction.aspx- ringworm
http://skintagshowtoremovenaturalathome.tripod.com/- Skin Tags
https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000606.htm- Cold sores
http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Conjunctivitis-infective/Pages/Causes.aspx- conjunctivitis
http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/hair-loss/tc/alopecia-areata-topic-overview?page=2- Hair condition

http://www.middlewichcosmetictreatments.co.uk/Acne.htm- Acne
http://doctorsgates.blogspot.co.uk/2011/10/barbers-itch.html- Folliculitis 
http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Cold-sore/Pages/Introduction.aspx- cold sore