Could it of been the reason why she never married?
Henry VIII & Anne Boleyn Hunting, 1532,
King Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn, she became pregnant, everyone was hoping and even believed it was going to be a boy because of Henry's previous wife he had Queen Mary. Even the invites said they'd be welcoming a boy, when Anne gave birth and soon discovered the baby was a girl not a boy. King Henry was dishearten and angry because of this, therefore they both tried again and Anne Boleyn miscarried.
I believe Henry was so angry and he had his heart set on having a boy, he accused Anne of having an affair, he wanted to get out of the marriage and I feel he made this up, but she may of had an affair who knows.
She was soon arrested and accused of adultery with 5 other men, these were rumoured affairs and Henry thought of a way out as Anne could not give him what he wanted.
At this time Elizabeth wasn't even 3 years old, when her mother Anne then was beheaded as the men were found out to guilty and were all executed also because of the rumoured affairs.
So this maybe an influence in Elizabeth's way of thinking about marriage, what if that happened to her? Her mother was killed because of her father insisting it to happen for punishment, this would make any one not want to marry a man right?