Friday 11 December 2015

The Secrets about Queen Elizabeth- Is She a Man?

The untold story and secrets of Virgin Queen Elizabeth I
Youtube video- "Not a man, but not all woman"
Helas Madam- Music from the Court of Henry VIII
The father of Queen Elizabeth

She was a legend of her time, she had secrets but were kept from everyone until now the questions are still arising, 

Why didn't she marry? Is She a man? Or is she both? Why would a Queen never produce an ere on the throne to produce for the country?

Was it because she was actually a he?

There are so many questions about the Queen that people are still unsure and confused about until this day.

Up in the town of Bisley a sleepy town where Queen Elizabeth was raised, around when she was 10 or 11 she felt sick, the maids that looked after Elizabeth panicked, they were scared of what King Henry VIII would do, he had the authority to execute and he was on his way to see his daughter at this time. 

The maids knew she'd hung around with a boy her age who was related to King Henry VIII also, the name of him was uncertain but he was called the Bisley boy, therefore they took him and made him into looking like Elizabeth for when the King arrived.

Wouldn't King Henry realise that is wasn't his Daughter?

There relationship wasn't close and he barely saw his Daughter, however there relationship wasn't bad.
Therefore, this could of easily happened, by putting on girl clothes and arranging his hair to look more girl like, this could of easily happened and also he was related to King Henry in some way which I am unsure about and there would be clear resemblance of him in the Bisley boy. 

So this was a good cover up? 
The maids would of done it to prevent them from being executed, the perfect cover up.

This story has been passed down for over 400 years and even people today in the town and elsewhere still question a lot of things about the Queen Elizabeth, was she a woman or was it Bisley boy covering up and this is why she never married..

When looking into portraits you can see how masculine Elizabeth was, covered up and the amount of make-up and cosmetics used would of been perfect to cover up her masculine appearance.

Young Elizabeth was taken to the country to live because in London people were getting sick and dieing of the DENIC sweating sickness which was easily caught and people would die in the matter of a couple hours. Royalty would flock to the country and live there out of the city, this was perfect for Elizabeth to cover up her secrets in her country home.

The story of Queen Elizabeth is more folklore then reality but maybe the answer to all our questions about her.

Carrying on with the story, they made a discovery of a hidden coffin which was medieval times so about 200/300 years before Queen Elizabeth would of been born; however, it could of been reused or a lot were made back in that time and may of been empty, so they could of put young Elizabeths dead body into, who knows?

She was a very guarded woman, her writing changed to a more elegant way of writing, her hands and fingers were very long, she was masculine in built, she wore heavy make-up was it to cover stubble? or scars? or even both.

High collars she wore most of the time, was this because she wanted to cover up her adams apple? She loved to hunt and would outride both the other women and even the men; many of her portraits were either feminine or masculine.

In the 16th century it was a big deal to refuse marriage, she was feeling the pressure, she was constantly asked and pressured to marry a man and to have a child. Who would be next in ere?

From this day this is one of the conspiracies behind Queen Elizabeth I

Youtube Secrets of the Virgin Queen July 19th 2015