Thursday 5 November 2015

Practicing Partners final face chart

These were the weeks of practicing my partners final design, I carried out what he had on his face chart, the products used: 

  • Unknown primer supplied by partner 
  • Kryolan Supra color white mixed with a tiny couple of drips of the alcohol solution for the base
  • Kryolan Supra color white around the eyes
  • Supra Color Orange used on the eyebrows, mustache and beard with a wand 
  • Kryolan Blusher palette medium pink on the cheeks
  • Kryolan Lip Rouge palette no. 10 on the lips
  • Loose powder by unknown brand provided by partner 

His consultation form is on another blog page.

I really enjoyed having a male partner to work on with this project, I enjoyed practicing and learning new skills, by making the facial hair on him bright orange, I loved the end results. I found making sure I didn't get orange on the pale complexion quiet challenging in order to get that perfect base.

From practicing this I found looking at the pictures that for next time during the timed assessment I would make sure I blended the cheeks more, as even though on my partners face design it looked very harsh with the pink blusher; when he looked at my practicing he said he would like it slightly more blended and I agreed with his decision.

Here are images of my practice outcomes on my partner, I thoroughly enjoyed working to someone elses design, I found it a good challenge and I worked well under these circumstances, I made sure I asked questions relating to what he wanted and made sure I worked to a high standard. 

Mirror view of myself and my partner with the end result.

Front on view of his design I created 

A side view of the design in practice

Another front on view of the make-up design

And another..

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