Thursday 1 October 2015

First week..

On our first week we had a task given to us, to take three pictures in black and white of "How you see Southampton" I found it interesting, especially really digging deep into how Southampton really is, going outside the box and looking further into the city.

I really enjoyed this task, I added a few weird but interesting images that I found around the city. 
My first image was of a surveillance cameras CCTV, I thought to myself we are all being watched at all times and people forget this, it may be a creepy point of view when you think of it and how scary it, that we need these cameras to keep us safe for our own protection. 

So I wanted an image of myself taking a picture of them, meaning I know you're watching us.

On a lighter note, I took this picture of "Love Shine" in two separate windows and I just loved how quirky and random these were. Cause it made me smile and thought I'd like to share that with everyone. I feel little gestures and signs of happy quotations and messages seem to really effect peoples mood and this image did exactly that to me. 

The last image was of this funky looking weird cone on a metal stub, I just loved the odd, bizarre positioning of this, they usually mean watch out, there's a hazard and the fact its directly on the hazard made me laugh. I'd never seen this and wanted to therefore share it with everyone to admire the artistic side of this photograph I took. 

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