Wednesday 9 December 2015

My Final Design

Contemporary Elizabethan Make-up Final Design

My Final design Face chart and with practicing it out on my model

I practiced one of my final designs on my peer in class, there were a few adjustments I made due to other products working better for the effect I wanted. 

I firstly I pinned up my design on the mirror so It could guide me through it step. I believed if I did a couple step by step designs throughout the design in order to break it down it would be easier to read and to see what I wanted to achieve in this look. Therefore, I will do this in the future to make it easier to follow. 

Products used and brushes used:

Cleanse, toner and moisturiser
Matte Illamasqua Primer
Supra Color Kryolan white mixed with white base by illamasqua 
Blusher kryolan Dark Brown
Obsidian eye shadow by illamasqua 
metallic palette by illamasqua light & dark silver 
Loose powder illamasqua

Foundation brush
kabuki brush, blusher/ contour brush
flat eye shadow brush
angled brush
pointed lip brush

I prepared my peer with using a gown to cover her from access make-up a hair band to keep her hair off her hair; I then cleansed, toned and moisturised, I make sure I carry this out on every model, this reflects my professionalism as an artist. 

Secondly, I used Illamasqua white base mixed with Supra color, I like the consistency and I like the way it blends well onto the skin, with still giving the powdered Elizabethan pale skin effect. I blended this well all over the face, neck and ears, I then applied Supra color white over the eyebrows with the use of a brow wand, this really works in the product and gives me the effect I wanted. I made sure I used the wand against the eyebrow hair and then with the hair, in order for it to really sit well in the brows and I was happy with the outcome of this. 

When these stages were done, I powdered all over the face and brows to help fix the make-up. I felt a lot of powder was needed in areas such as the eyelids, in the creases of the nose, so I concentrated on those areas. I next went onto contouring the face using the dark brown colour in the Blusher Palette Kryalon, I worked it up with sweeping motions, I didn't want this to look to harsh and I also blended this to give her a more gaunt look, which I feel I achieved by doing so, with going over with loose powder. 

Moving on I then used Illamasqua obsidian black colour on the eyes and blended it across the bridge of the nose and onto the next eye, giving the band of smokey black across the eye area. This section was well blended, giving a diffused, fuzzy feel to it. I had to add a bit of white eye shadow onto the area to give it more of a grey tone, which also worked well, however this wasn't on my face chart and made sure I changed the steps of the eye shading. 

For the next step, I wanted to create a petal effect around the whole of the eyes, I wanted to create this with the dark silver sculpting palette by Illamasaqua, with a flat round brush, with dabbing motions, I did this and discovered I needed to build on it to get the effect I wanted, It wasn't as I expected but I really liked the effect it gave, so I stuck with it. I then used Supra color on the eye lashes with a wand to give her the eyelashes I wanted for my design, they really stood out in front of the dark shade of grey used on the eyes; the contrast worked well for me and I was pleased with the outcome. 

For this design I really wanted to capture darkness, tiredness, gaunt, mysterious, all in which I found Elizabethans were.
After finishing the base and eyes application, I used the black eye shadow to create the heart below her left eye, I then used the light silver sculpting metallic by Illamasqua on the lips for the base then creating the small heart shape with the black eye shadow powder, the powder fixed well as I placed it onto the cream metallic base. I really liked the effect it gave and there were no problems with this part of my design. 
Overall, after putting my design off paper onto my model, I felt it went well and but I did have to adapt slightly and came up with some better ideas, so therefore I changed my face chart, as I learnt different techniques along the way and used other products to get the look I wanted for my design.

I used the supra white with the use of a wand over the eyebrows and lashes and loved the outcome with using against the hair and with the hair movements to fully cover the hairs in white. Covering the eyebrows was popular during the Elizabethan times and wanted to use this in my design but with my more modern tones and colours combined.

face on view of my final design make-up and a up close photo below 

I really enjoyed using pale, dark and metallic colours together to set the mood and tone I wanted to reflect in my design, I used these to show mystery with a dark edgy look, which was inspired by my chosen lady in waiting Anne Vavasour and modern day character Amy Winehouse.

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