Tuesday 8 December 2015

Assessment: Partners design created by myself

Formal Make-up Assessment: Partners design created by myself 

This was my partners final design face chart I followed during practice and the final timed assessment, it showed me what products to use and where, he also on the day gave me a step by step guide on how to achieve his desired look, which I found very helpful in order to give me structure and guidance to complete the look.

Myself and my partner had great communication between one another and I got to practice a number of times in order to perfect his design look designed for his face. I especially enjoyed using the wand to put in the orange supra color throughout the beard, mustache and eye brows, I had never done this before but got the technique of this mastered. 
I was pleased I was put with a male partner as this was a challenge in itself, it pushed to the boundaries and I have never applied make-up on a male, I was nervous at first but got in the swing of things and felt very comfortable working with him on this project.
My partner however, did change his design slightly with the use of curling the corners of the brows to give it more character, which I did slightly struggle with because of being given the design in a small amount of time to practice it in.
However, I felt I accomplished this and worked well under this pressure to work to my designers needs.
He wanted a bright, vibrant design and I enjoyed making this design on him, I struggled slightly with the accuracy of the curled sides of the eye brows, however, I worked well with being patient and redoing until it was created.

Front shot of my partners final design created by myself in the assessment

A moody, fierce look of my partners final design created by myself

Eyes closed shot of the design

Side view of the final look

The other side shot of the final design created

Another image of a side view

And a load more of the final creation in assessment