Thursday 5 November 2015

National Gallery and Reflection of my day in London

National gallery and My reflection day in London

The day we went to the National Portrait Gallery we went straight from London Waterloo met the other girls in class and went straight there, even though we got a bit lost, no idea how that is even possible. We wondered around taking in all the 16th century Tudor portraits, this helped me get a better understanding with our project and what they wore from head pieces to jewellery to the style of their clothes with the use of materials and colours. I felt this helped with my research and knowledge of this time and era. 

After here we wondered around looking in make-up stores, we went straight to Covent Garden to Charles Fox, we got to London a little late so we weren't able to go to Illamasqua, very disappointed but this is an excuse to go back to London. We enjoyed looking around Charles fox, asking questions, trying out their weird and wonderful products from pigments to glitter, I was very intrigued and engaged with everything they had to offer. Incredible, my love for their stuff just grew then and there.

We also went to MAC it was crazy busy, I tried on many lip sticks and products we also got some free goodies and samples. All in all, It was a great day with bonding with my class, getting to know each other outside of University time and with all the London rushing around, by the end of it we were knackered. It was a great day with the girls and I learnt a bit and I enjoyed the hussle and bussle of London Town. 

 Portrait of Henrietta Anne Duchess of Orleans

Henrietta Anne Duchess of Orleans, In this portrait I am immediately engaged with it, with the tight curled ringlets hanging freely at the bottom of the hair design and the small thin pieces of hair curled at the front of the hairline. I felt this design was different, because with a lot of other portraits I saw they were either wearing hoods, hats and a long forehead which was very common during that time.
I liked the fact you can see her pale complexion with her prolonged forehead but with the whispey curls placed at her hairline, I thought it was an elegant design and loved the textures.

Within the portraits you can pearls used which was commonly used during this time to symbolise wealth and royalty, I like how they are used in a more subtle way but still symbolising her status as a Duchess. I was also drawn to how sincere she looked and when researching into the Princess I was right with her personality traits. 

The History of this portrait & about the Princess:

Henrietta Anne Duchess of Orleans is the sitter of this portrait and painted by Sir Peter Lely (1618-1680) and she was daughter to Charles the I. In this Oil painting she is wearing a puffy dress satin material it looks like with silver buttons fastening it up, I was surprised that a lot of the chest area was exposed but she comes across well presented showing her status.
She looks like a elegant young lady in this oil portrait, she is slender and a small lady, her skin complexion is pale and her lips are tinted pink in shade, a typical Elizabethan makeup look that was desired by all women to mark there wealth.

This Princess was a beautiful interesting character with a creative nature, she loved gardening. It is quoted "This princess was the most human of creatures" she had a great sense of humour with great courage and spirit. She was a charming, active letter writer. She had a generous heart and poured her heart into everything she wrote her a quick note to her friend or an important affair, her style was always bright and natural to read.

I could see this in the portrait, the way she is positioned and the way she looks with her mood in a neutral way with a slight smile, she looks very sweet and kind. 

I also loved the head piece hood on Katherine Parr, the textures colours and position and with the use of the gathering of pearled jewellery she is wearing.

The one and only Queen Elizabeth Herself 

Images taken myself- Queen Elizabeth I portrait & Katherine Parr

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