Wednesday 7 October 2015

Skin Preparation Routine

Skin preparation before applying make-up

Reference: Notes from class with Sue Mainstone
Images taken by peer

Before handling a client, prepare your set up of make-up that you’re going to use, make sure it is all lay out neatly and preferably in order to make your job easier for you, giving yourself structure and to reflect your professionalism.

Lights around your make-up mirror must be switched on, no bags or anything in the way of your working area so no accidents occur. Hygiene is key, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly before working on a client and if you smoke, bring gum with you, no one wants a smoky breath near them whilst their make-up is being done. Also look after your personal hygiene all round, use perfume but not too much and look professional with your hair tied back and suitable clothes as well as flat shoes, wearing heels aren’t sturdy when rushing around and you may become unbalanced.

Use open body language, be friendly ask them questions such as are you allergic to anything? And if they wear contact lenses make sure their eyes are closed when applying eye make-up. 

Use a wrap around your client to ensure product doesn’t fall or get onto their nice clothes or costume, this would look very unprofessional and could potentially ruin their outfit and your reputation. Therefore, always cover your back and make sure they are covered.

When your client is in the chair ready to be prepped, ensure they are comfortable and at the right height for you to work at with them, in order to produce a well done application of make-up. You want to make everything easier for you to enable to get the required look for your model or client.
Your skin prep routine is so essential to your make-up application, as it makes an impact on how your make-up will sit on the face and the overall final look.

First of all make sure their hair is out of their face, cleanse their face in order to get any excess make-up off, make sure this is thorough to make sure the dirt is removed off the face. Use a good pressure on the face with sweeping motions and ensure you have gone all over the face and neck. Secondly, concentrate on the eye area, be gentle and careful as the eyes are sensitive and everyone acts differently with people being near their eyes, and use a cotton bud back and forth with a small amount of cleaner on it to be thorough with getting into the eye line and to remove excess mascara.

At this time you will be talking to client through the process of the skin prep, it is always important to interact with your client ensure they feel comfortable. After cleansing the skin, use toner to get rid of excess cleanser and to remove remainders of dirt in the skin, this will also help to tighten pores and gives the fresh appearance of the skin; make sure you go all over the face and neck.

It’s important to always carry a sensitive cleanser and toner in your kit, as you never know if your client has sensitive skin and this shows you’re prepared. Keep two big clips in make-up set, in case you have no hair band, this is backup to ensure hair is out of their face. After toning you need to hydrate the skin by applying a good amount of moisturiser and massage it into the skin, this locks in moisture into the skin and prepares it for the make-up application. By Moisturising this really makes a difference with the way your make-up will look and appear, your application will be smoother and will glide nicely onto the skin.

Finally, preparing your clients skin is so important, all the stages really prepare the skin for your make-up, to ensure you get the best look as you possibly can.  

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