Thursday 15 October 2015

Queen Elizabeth I: Golden Age

Portraying Elizabeth
Elizabeth I: Golden Age

This film in part of a sequel carrying on from Elizabeth I 1998, it is also directed by Shekhar Kapur in 2007, full of portrayal events which are fictionalised, the music is intense and dazzling fitting with the conflictions of characters throughout. 

Cate Blanchett- 2007- Golden Age movie

This film is a lot more intense and powerful compared to the first Elizabeth. She becomes more feisty and stronger, especially when her kingdom becomes under threat by two Catholics Mary Queen of Scots, the next woman set in line to take the throne and Philip II of Spain, who is building throughout the film to invade England, you can see the powerful scene below. She has a love affair and an event gets ugly when her cousin Mary becomes involved, resulting in her execution. The film is powerful and cinematic throughout.

I watched and saw Queen Elizabeth I evolve from the first film to the second, she becomes a lot more fierce and feisty in her nature and personality. The film makes Elizabeth look younger then she is playing, adapting it to suit a modern day audience by her having a attractive, love interest and keeping it relevant for today. 
 This clip below is a great example and a brilliant scene of her standing up for her beliefs, this scene also reflects her will, strength and power as a the Queen of England. 

I really loved the power of this scene also, her make-up and hair has slightly developed too, with the use of tightly pinned curls, jewels and pearls at the back of her head and with the large collars, embroidery on her large gowns. This all reflects how she develops as a Queen and becomes more powerful and confident as time goes on. 

Cate Blanchett- Elizabeth I Golden age- 2007

You see her make-up complexion become whiter, her cheeks and lips are rosy and clearer to see the difference in tones. Queen Elizabeth wears a lot more high collared ruffs, bigger gowns, she develops into a much more powerful, stern lady throughout the second film. She becomes more embellished with jewels and accessories all over, reflecting her wealth and power. Cate Blanchett plays the part so well in the Golden Age, you see her become older and wiser with the way she stands up for her country, she becomes more of a threat and doesn't hide away, she's stern and knows what she wants.

The film is overall, been adapted to suit a modern day audience with fictional, fantasy events that keep it interesting and us on our toes when watching. Her vibrant clothes and beautiful hair and make-up keeps with the Elizabethan tradition and works well in today's audience with the great use of colours and patterns. 
