Thursday 24 September 2015

Reflection on week one

Reflection on my induction week

We had a big group presentation with everyone in my year in for the talk with Illamasqua, I was extremely excited to hear all the great things about Illamasqua and both Helen and Spok the ladies from Illamasqua have been up to within the company and what experiences they have been through and also what they are currently working on.
I was fully engaged within the session and they were very interactive with us all and all questions and answers were bouncing back. They talked us through the companies history how they became part of such a great independent make-up company who are extremely anti animal testing which I really liked, they are compassionate with their products and they are produced and I loved all that passion they had.
This experience gave me an insight about how passionate and hard working you have to truly be within the industry to meet your goals and dreams. To never give up on that dream of yours and when you're knocked down to make sure you come back stronger and fighting twice as hard to get where you want to be. I learnt the depths of the company and the work they have done and how the world of make-up isn't always consistent, that'll work for a few days and have a couple weeks off but they reinforced that it's all then nothing and keeps you on your toes and it's never boring, you are always growing and evolving within the industry.
A quote that stuck with me that Helen and Spok said was ''Your personality sells'' having that great outgoing confident nature and that spark they are looking for and at times you won't be suited to certain companies or productions etc. But if you keep pushing through, finally you will be snapped up.
We then went to a masterclass where they demonstrated a couple looks they did during a piece of theirs ''India Festival'' with all the wonderful bright uses of colours and no dark colours used, it was a brilliant experience to watch them create such great make-up pieces and how wonderful and professional they both were throughout the day, it was overall a very exciting, full packed afternoon with them.

Thursday 24th September we had a big group talk with Charles Fox, they were very interactive with us and enthusiastic about the company, I learnt about their roles in Charles Fox, how they became part of such a big well known company, I learnt they distribute make-up to all the theatres around covent garden and tv/ film sets, which I was new to information to myself, as I didn't know they were such a well known, upcoming, huge big business to a lot of companies which was fascinating to learn. I felt privileged to know i'll be using such great products, which are personally selected products to fit our course in order for us to create great things.
We learnt how the two make-up artists got to where they are, to similar backgrounds to all of us in the group which was good to hear, they gave us brilliant advice on what to except during the industry and this was a great insight on what our career will hold for us.
I felt they were very raw and passionate about their job and honest about the industry, which I respect and felt they were very real with us. This all really stood out and I loved their knowledge of the products and their favourite products, I gathered information from them that will remain with me throughout uni and into the career.

My last reflection on my third event that happened was overall meeting my class and lecturers on the first day, knowing where we will be working, giving us all the insights of the course and how passionate and dedicated they are to get us to where we want to be for our careers to lift off.
I learnt a lot of new information that day from classes, what we have coming up and to look forward to, to not just work hard but to enjoy and have fun creating at university.
This reflection of day one really made me feel confident I have applied for the right course for myself, it made me think about the future and what it will hold after my 3 years at university; I left that day feeling positive, my class mates were great as this can be very daunting when starting a life changing course or anything for the first time, They are a breath of fresh air and everyone was so welcoming and friendly.

Overall, I feel the week was great, loads of information was given to us to get us started, I enjoyed all the classes especially the talks with the two companies, as it was great to see what it's like in the industry from them directly, giving you the insight of knowledge that we needed to know as well as inspiring us to be in their shoes one day.
I didn't dislike anything during the week, I guess the enrolling was time consuming but this needed to be done. I found my lecturers and all the information given to me during my induction week useful and easy to understand, as everything was broken down for us and everyone is very approachable so I felt this there was anything that I needed help with I could easily ask for it. I felt slightly daunted by the work amount due to my dyslexia and needing help during assignments, but figured out at the student hub there a number of people that are there to help me if I need it, which is perfect as I will need this for the future.

Our lecturers gave me all the information needed to start my course and I liked how knowledgeable they were, friendly, they spoke about their backgrounds within the industry and overall the week was a success in order to get us started for hard work and fun!
Main thing I need to do is remember is time management is key!

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